Why should you read the ‘Harappa Series’ by Vineet Bajpai?

Hey readers, welcome back to my blog!
Today I'm going to give a reason to those who still haven't read this master trilogy by Vineet Bajpai. Yes, I'm talking about the ‘Harappa Series’ which has been popular since it's published with over 1,00,000+ copies sold.
[ P.S : This is a spoiler free review. ]

The ‘Harappa Series’ has three books published under it's title till now which include : (1) Harappa : Curse Of The Blood River (2) Pralay : The Great Deluge (3) Kashi : Secret Of The Black Temple.

The storyline is about Vidyut, who is the last Devta (half-human, half-god) in his bloodline, an ancient curse and a chilling secret of the Dev-Raakshasa Matth. 
This book goes on with two timelines ~ the first, 2017 while the other is 1700 BCE.
Harappa ( First Book ) ~
The very first book Harappa begins with Vidyut recieving a phone call from the Dev-Raakshasa Matth where his dying ancestor summons him to Banaras. 
In 1700 BCE, goes the story of Vivasvan Pujari, who is a Devta and lives in Harappa. 
Pralay ( Second Book ) ~ 
In Banaras, a master assassin bites into cyanide when he fails to kill Vidyut but before that, he pronounces the arrival of an unstoppable, dark force. 
Whereas in Harappa, the Devta has been condemned to the dungeons of death. While in the East of Harappa, a mystical fish-man proclaims the onset of Pralay and Manu (Vivasvan Pujari's son) begins making the Ark for saving the humankind.
Kashi ( Third Book ) ~ 
In Banaras, a sacred nakshatra erupts in the night sky while Vidyut, the Devta unravels the bloodstained chronicles of a sinister past.
Whereas in Harappa, the titanic waves of Pralay begins swallowing city after city when a final battle for the Ark and the Earth begins. 

The fourth book, Dhoomketu : Oceans On Fire is not yet released but will be released soon.

The characters were strong-willed and independent. Also, they showed progress with the story.

Overall, the narration is engrossing and has the potential to keep the reader on the edge of their seat. It is a page turner. The writing style is eloquent. It has the visual effect of a screenplay. It can't be gathered into one genre but rather, it's a mix of historical fiction, mythology and fantasy. 

Do buy it from here :


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